Can could shall should may might Promoted by. Tom was tired but Susan wasnt very tired. Am Is Are Was Were Activity English Grammar Worksheets Grammar Worksheets Teaching English Grammar What are is are was and were called in English grammar. . In the past it changes to was or were. Using the verb to be In the present the verb be changes to am is or are. You are 2nd person. Verb To Be Present Tense. Isamare sees writes does V3 past form. Am are is was were will be Exercise Task No. The sentence is awkward and seems to be too truncated but it is actually has correct usage of the being tenses reflected in both am and were. Be as a main verb in the Simple Present am are is positive. The present printable downloadable handout is meant for high school elementary school and adults at Beginner pre-A1 Elementary A1 Pre-intermediate A2 and. I am sick today. The negative short forms of was not and w...
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